Texas Success Initiative (TSI)
The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires students to be assessed in reading, writing and math skills prior to enrolling in college.

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires students to be assessed in reading, writing and math skills prior to enrolling in college.
The primary assessment used by Texarkana College is the Texas Higher Education Assessment, or THEA, exam. TSI and THEA have basically replaced TASP regulations that have been in effect since September of 1989.
Much like the previous TASP law, many students may be permanently exempt from test requirements while others may have requirements temporarily waived. A student who has not satisfied all TSI requirements must be advised by academic advisors prior to registration. Academic Advisors, working with each individual student, will create a plan for academic success that will outline developmental courses and/or retesting that may be required to satisfy all TSI criteria.
Those who contain any of the following criteria may be exempt from the TSI Requirement:
- Transfer coursework from an out-of-state institution with a grade of C or better in certain courses;
- Transfer coursework from a private or independent institution of higher education with grade of C or better in certain courses;
- Active duty military service or members of reserve armed forces serving for at least 3 years preceding enrollment;
- Student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States;
- Earned Associate or Baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher education;
- ACT composite score of 23 or higher with a minimum of 19 on the math and English sections (ACT scores are good for 5 years);
- SAT total score of 1070 combined with a minimum of 500 on the math test and 500 on the verbal test (SAT scores are good for 5 years);
- TAKS – Math 2200, English/Language Arts (ELA) 2200 with writing sub-score of at least 3. (TAKS scores are good for 3 years);
- Partial exemptions are possible based on ACT, SAT or TAKS scores. Contact the Advising Department for additional information.
TSI requirements typically only affect academic programs. If you are seeking admission for a workforce development program check with the program page for specific TSI requirements.

Contact Us about Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Testing
For more information on Texas Success Initative (TSI) or information peratining to the exemptions, contact our Advising department at 903-823-3012 or by email at advising@texarkanacollege.edu.