TC Trustees Congratulate 2022 NISOD Excellence Award Recipients

and Courtney Shoalmire, MSN, RN
(Left to right)
Texarkana College announced its recipients of the annual National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Awards at the Board of Trustees meeting held Monday. Each year TC recognizes two individuals as NISOD nominees, one faculty member and one staff member, who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment and contribution to their students and colleagues. 2022 honorees include Letha Colquitt, MNSc, RN, FNP-BC, who serves as an associate degree nursing faculty member, and Courtney Shoalmire, MSN, RN, who serves as TC’s dean of health sciences.
Colquitt has worked in higher education for 24 years and is currently an associate professor and coordinator for TC’s Associate Degree Nursing program.
“I believe that educating new nurses is important work,” said Colquitt. “Doing this work at TC helps our students improve their lives and expand their career possibilities. I got my start at TC and know that the education I received made a difference in my life as well.”
Colquitt’s leadership service at TC includes heading up committees for curriculum, admissions, and standards for nursing programs. She also serves regionally as a member of the Clinical Placement Council and is responsible for creating clinical placement rotations in health care facilities for all health sciences programs in the area. In addition, Colquitt is a member of Texas Nurse Practitioner Association, Organization for Associate Degree Nursing, Texas Association for Associate Degree Nursing, and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Colquitt is also employed as a family nurse practitioner at a local clinic and works there at night and on the weekends.
Dr. Donna McDaniel, TC’s VP of Instruction, said Colquitt is a respected mentor and leader on campus.
“We are so grateful for Letha’s demonstrated leadership and professionalism both in and out of the classroom,” said McDaniel. “Her commitment to student success and excellence in teaching leaves a lasting impact on our students and our community. It is an honor for TC to have Letha as a member of our nursing faculty and a role model for our students.”
Shoalmire has twenty years of experience in higher education and is currently serving as TC’s Director of Nursing Programs and Dean of Health Sciences where she oversees the faculty and student admissions process in the following six programs: Associate Degree Nursing program (AAS), Vocational Nursing Program (AAS), Vocational to Associate Degree Transition Program (Certificate), Emergency Medical Technology Program (EMT and Paramedic Certificates and AAS), Pharmacy Technician Program (Dual credit, certificate, and AAS), Certified Nurse Assistant dual credit courses.
Shoalmire said she really enjoys working with the Texarkana College family and that it is a great honor to receive the NISOD Award of Excellence.
“Having the opportunity to mentor new Health Sciences faculty and learn from people in all divisions is so rewarding,” said Shoalmire. “My responsibility to lead the outstanding Health Sciences faculty is made easier by the support I receive from everyone at TC. Being a NISOD Excellence Award recipient is special to me because it shows that others acknowledge the effort that the faculty and I continue to pour into the programs and students in our mission to educate exceptional graduates.”
McDaniel said Shoalmire is highly respected in her field among her colleagues and local healthcare institutions for her professionalism and knowledge of the industry.
“Not only is Courtney a leader on campus but she represents TC faculty and programs so well within the community and at the state level,” said McDaniel. “TC’s health sciences programs have flourished with her leadership and our students have excelled on their credentialing exams leading them to rewarding careers. We are fortunate to have Courtney serve our students, faculty, and community in such an important role.”
Shoalmire currently serves on TC’s Academic Council, Curriculum Committee, Technology Committee, Strategic Plan Committee, and President’s Leadership Team. In addition, she chairs the regional Clinical Placement Council and is a member of the American Nurses Association, Texas Nurses Association, Organization for Associate Degree Nursing, Texas Association for Associate Degree Nursing, National League for Nursing, Texas Association of Deans and Directors of Professional Nursing Programs. She is currently serving on the Executive Committee for the CHRISTUS St. Michael Friends of the Foundation and has previously served on the CHRISTUS St. Michael Rehabilitation Hospital Board of Directors.
TC President Dr. Jason Smith said the NISOD Award underscores the culture of excellence at TC by rewarding the work of our talented faculty and staff.
“TC is committed to celebrating the extraordinary work of our faculty, administrators, and staff whose service to our students, colleagues, and community deserve our special recognition,” Smith said. “I am so proud of the work done on behalf of TC by our NISOD Excellence Award recipients this year, and I’m honored to be able to work alongside such talented individuals.”
More information about NISOD and Award of Excellence honorees can be found at
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