Mass Communications / Journalism Degree

Develop foundational skills to narrate or write news stories for print, broadcast, newspapers, radio, television, or other communications media with our Mass Communications & Journalism Degree program.

TC’s Mass Comms and Journalism degree program helps students hone their interview skills.

What to Know at a Glance


2-year associate degree (60 sch)


A blend of face-to-face and online

Scheduling Options

Full-time; Part-time; Day classes; Night classes

Where it is offered

Main Campus

About Our Mass Communications / Journalism Degree

Develop skills in photography, digital media, news reporting, media writing and more with our Mass Communications & Journalism Degree program.

Students in the Journalism Degree program take their foundational journalism skills and transfer to a university to continue training for a career in Media, Public Relations, Marketing, and Mass Communications.

Media Writing
This entry-level journalism course is a study of gathering, processing, and delivery content. The whole range of the reporter’s work is covered by lecture and actual practice with the students working as reporters for the TC News. Proper media writing and media styles are stressed.

Editing and Layout
Included in this course, via both lecture and actual practice, are the basics of copy editing for accuracy and fairness. Also included are the basics of page design and construction. Students will serve as members of the TC News page-building crew.

Introduction to Electronic Media
An overview of the development, regulation, economics, social impact, and industry practices in electronic media.

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Self-Discipline
  • Professionalism

Possible Careers and Salaries





Technical Writer


Marketing Manager


Advertising Manager


Tuition Costs

Approximate total program cost for in-district (Bowie County residents) for the Mass Communications / Journalism Degree Program is $6,130.

Program Contacts

Pamela Owney

Journalism / Mass Communications Program Coordinator

Dr. Mary Ellen Young

Dean, Liberal & Performing Arts

Contact Texarkana College to Get Started

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