Associate Degree in Behavioral Science
An associate degree in Behavioral Science will provide students with a broad systematic understanding of human behavior, and of the biological, psychological, cultural, political, and social factors that influence such behavior.

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What to Know at a Glance
2-year associate degree
A blend of face-to-face and online; Face-to-face
Scheduling Options
Full-time; Part-time; Day classes; Night classes
Where it is offered
Main Campus, #2 on the campus map
About a Degree in Behavioral Science
Knowledge in Behavioral Science will enhance student’s chances for employment in the various helping professions, government and industry. Students can go on the pursue careers in communication, recreation, gerontology and health sciences Additionally, the application of behavioral science knowledge and training is very beneficial in the solution of critical social and business problems. Are you ready to pursue your associate degree in Behavioral Science? We can’t wait to meet you!
Child Psychology
This course will address psychological development from conception through middle childhood with references to physical, cognitive, social and personality changes. Students will examine the interplay of biological factors, human interaction, social structures, and cultural forces in development.
Lifespan Growth and Development
A study of social, emotional, cognitive and physical factors and influences of a developing human from conception to death.
Marriage and Family
Sociological and theoretical analysis of the structures and functions of the family, the varied cultural patterns of the American family, and the relationships that exist among the individuals within the family, as well as the relationships that exist between the family and other institutions in society.
- Critical thinking
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Ethical decision making
- Communication
- Organization
- Empirical and quantitative reasoning
- Time management
- Self-discipline
- Cultural awareness
Possible Careers and Salaries
School Psychologists
Child, Family, and School Social Worker
Probation Officer
Urban Planner
Tuition Costs
Approximate total program cost for full-time in-district (Bowie County residents) is $6,010.
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