Health Sciences Program
If you’re interested in completing the prerequisites necessary for admission to an advanced degree program such as Medical, Nursing, Physical, or Occupational Therapy schooling, our Health Sciences program is for you.

On This Page
What to Know at a Glance
2 year associate degree (60 sch)
A blend of face-to-face and online; Face-to-face
Scheduling Options
Full-time; Part-time; Day classes; Night classes
Where it is offered
Main Campus, #6 on the campus map
About Health Sciences Program, Associate Degree
Our Health Sciences program serves as the perfect pathway for students preparing to launch a career in the medical field, instilling the sciences that create the foundation of all medical specialties.
Therapy, Nursing, Dentistry, Radiology, Medical Sciences, whatever the health-related specialty, our Health Sciences program provides training in the scientific principles required for success in these careers.
Anatomy & Physiology I (lecture)
Study of the gross and microscopic anatomy and physiology of cells, tissues, integument, muscular-skeletal, and nervous systems.
Anatomy & Physiology II (lecture)
Continuation of BIOL 2301. Includes the gross and microscopic anatomy and physiology of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine and reproductive systems, immunity and fluid-electrolyte/acid base balance.
Introductory Chemistry I (lecture)
survey of chemistry including the metric system, scientific method, physical properties of matter, atomic structure, ionic and covalent bonding, naming of compounds, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, gas laws, liquids, solids, solutions, equilibrium, acid-based theory, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, and a brief survey of functional groups of organic molecules and biomolecules.
- Critical Thinking
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Empirical & Quantitative Reasoning
- Mathematical Skills
- Investigative Skills
- Analytical Skills
Possible Careers and Salaries
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Family Medical Physician
Tuition Costs
Approximate total program cost for in-district (Bowie County residents) for the Health Sciences Program is $6,085.
Program Contacts

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