Forklift Operator Certification / Safety Training
Normally, $200, this class is being offered for $25 through a grant partnership with Texas Mutual Insurance Company. Space is limited; reserve your spot today!

On This Page
What to Know at a Glance
One day 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Scheduling Options
Generally available monthly
Where it is offered
TexAmericas Center near New Boston, Texas, #22 on the campus map
Upcoming Dates
About Forklift Operator Certification / Safety Training
This is a comprehensive forklift-training course covering Class I, IV, and V trucks.
Classroom instruction will include seven specific areas of forklift training (fundamentals, balance and capacity, preoperational inspection, general rules of the road, safe load handling, techniques, refueling, and battery charging and changing).
Students will understand and be able to demonstrate all safety requirements for forklift inspection.
Tuition Costs
Normally, $200, this class is being offered for $25 through a grant partnership with Texas Mutual Insurance Company. Register now while this discount is available!
Program Contacts