Dr. Donna McDaniel discusses the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA.

FERPA stands for the family educational rights and Privacy protection services.

FERPA is a federal law that is provided to protect the students educational privacy. When a student enters college and turns 18, the FERPA rights transfer from the parents to the students. Students record information is not typically shared with anyone unless the student gives written permission for someone else to have access to your student records.

If you would like to do that at Texarkana College, we have what is called a student Information release authorization form. This form must be completed here on site in the office of Enrollment Services. By completing the forum and designating another individual to access your student records. It could help you in times of emergencies like such if you’re in the hospital or any other situation that you might need someone else to speak on your behalf. I want to remind you of the importance. Of completing the student form to give access to your records to someone else. Because there could be an A time and of an emergency when you need your parent or someone else to act on your behalf to come to the college and we cannot speak to anyone else if we do not have this student information release form on file.

So it’s very important that you consider completing this form in our office of instruction.