Alumni of the Month: Trevelyan Hodge

Recent Texarkana College alum, Trevelyan Hodge, lives by the mantra, “delayed, not denied.” Hodge emphasizes that “just because something doesn’t work out in the time you expect it to, you never know what God’s plans are for you.”
Trevelyan was born in Los Angeles, CA and raised in Texarkana since he was 8 years old. After graduating from Texas High School in 1993, he enrolled in nursing courses at TC in hopes of becoming an RN. However, in 1996 he had the opportunity to work as a production employee at Georgia-Pacific/Domtar and decided to push college off with the intent of going back later.
“I was a production employee at Domtar from 1996-2013, and then in 2013 I took on a supervisor role. Between 2013-2020, I filled different supervision/engineering roles, and at the end of 2019 I became the training coordinator for a department. I did that for a year and then had the opportunity to become an advisor in our human resources department.”
Trevelyan’s position in human resources offered an opportunity to go back to school. “If I wanted to go further in my career in human resources, I needed a degree. I decided to enroll at TC, and I took classes at night and worked during the day.”
Trevelyan’s experience at TC gave him a true sense of accomplishment. “I never felt like just a number at TC. The respect you feel on that campus by faculty, staff, and students is bar none. I have nothing but great things to say about Texarkana College.”
In fall 2022, Trevelyan graduated from TC with his Associate of Arts in Business Administration. He credits his success to all of those who supported him and to his focus. “My biggest advice to someone who is thinking about going back to college is don’t focus on what you are not; focus on what you still have the opportunity to be. Just because the answer might have been no in 1996 doesn’t mean the answer is no in 2022.”
Trevelyan has had many supporters and mentors that have encouraged him along the way. “My wife, Tina, has given up time that we could be together because she knows that I was working or focusing on school. I have 5 kids, and they have been so supportive and encouraging. They would text me and ask how class was going and constantly say they are proud of me.”
His colleagues have also supported him every step of the way. “My current HR Manager, Greg Hubby, has been the ultimate supporter while I was studying for my degree. Troy Wilson, Steve Smith, and Bob Grygotis were the ones who gave me the opportunity to get into supervision at Domtar. I also want to thank my fellow Liberty Eylau ISD board members who have constantly encouraged me and even took the time to recognize me at the board meeting after I graduated. My Atlanta Street Church of Christ family have also been huge supporters.”
Trevelyan continued his higher education and is currently enrolled at Texas A&M University – Texarkana in an Organizational Leadership Bachelor of Science program. “The transition from TC to TAMUT was great. Both institutions made the process very seamless.”
This is only the beginning for Trevelyan. “I believe that when God brings you through so much, you realize He is going to make sure you get to where He wants you to be. God doesn’t bless you to bless yourself; he blesses you to bless other people.”

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