Texarkana College Virtual Open House
If coming in person to campus is not a possibility, check out our Virtual Open House recordings to learn everything you need to know about getting started at TC!

Welcome to the Virtual Open House from Recruitment Coordinator, Dustin Austin!

Getting Started at Texarkana College
Discover the easy steps to start your college journey at TC with guidance from student recruiters!

Advising & Registration
Learn about the process of advising and getting registered for classes from our Executive Director of Admissions & Registrar.

Educational Opportunity Center
Find an area our Educational Opportunity Center can help you with on your college journey!

Financial Aid
Have questions about financial aid? Curious what financial assistance you could receive? Learn the details of financial aid with our expert financial aid specialist here!

Student Accounts & Paying for College
Setting up payment for classes is easy with the simple directions from our friendly Student Accounts and Business Office team. Check out their helpful tips here!

Testing & Disability Services
What’s it like scheduling and taking a test in the TC Testing Center? What services does TC offer to help accommodate disabilities?