Transfer Admissions

Ready to transfer to Texarkana College? Here’s where you start!

About Transfer Admissions

Transfer to TC for a semester or longer, and you’ll get a quality education for a fraction of the price. Credits transfer seamlessly to universities throughout the state of Texas, so you can stay on track while spending less.

Transfer to TC for a semester or longer, and you’ll get a quality education for a fraction of the price. Credits transfer seamlessly to universities throughout the state of Texas, so you can stay on track while spending less.

Not confident in doing it yourself? We have recruiters on hand ready to help you get started today, just call 903-823-3384.

Start Your Application

Once you’ve submitted your application, your myTC username and password/access code will be emailed to you within 24 hours. myTC is the portal used by students to access information on enrollment, financial aid, student accounts, degree plans, classes, and grades.

 Log in to myTC

When applying to TC, we need copies of your final high school or GED transcripts, as well as any official college transcripts if you’ve earned credit at any other institution of higher learning. Submit your transcripts electronically, by paper mail, or in person to the Nelson Administration Building on campus. 


Mail to: Office of Admissions, Texarkana College, 2500 N. Robison Rd. Texarkana, TX 75599

Students under the age of 22 will not be allowed to register without proof of current bacterial meningitis vaccination. This may be mailed to the Office of Admissions, delivered in person to the Nelson Administration Building on campus, or emailed to Explore more information on this requirement and review a waiver option from the bacterial meningitis vaccination.

Proof of Current Meningitis Vaccination

Once you’ve applied and submitted transcripts and shot records, you should receive an admissions acceptance letter or email from Texarkana College to the email you used to submit your ApplyTexas application. Receiving this letter or email indicates that you have been accepted to Texarkana College, and at this point you are able to apply for financial aid. Texarkana College’s Federal Financial Aid code is 003628. Check out our Financial Aid Frequently Asked Questions here. For assistance with Financial Aid, contact us at 903-823-3267 or by email.  

Apply for Financial Aid

 In addition to applying for Financial Aid, you can also apply for scholarships to help you pay for college! Applying for scholarships to TC is easy, just complete one application and be considered for over 200 scholarships. The average student award is $1,500. For questions about scholarships, contact Financial Aid at 903-823-3267 or by email

Apply for Scholarships

Meet with an advisor to discuss: 

  • Your testing needs (requirements before starting classes) 
  • How to submit test scores
  • Degree plan and major 
  • Registering for classes
  • Obtaining your TC email account
  • Sign up for Orientation
  • Request a student ID

Schedule an Advising Appointment

Students attending classes on campus or visiting the Pinkerton Fitness Center will need a parking permit to park on campus. The first parking sticker is free, but any additional stickers are $2 each, with a new application required for each additional sticker. Print the parking permit application or complete one in person at the Student Accounts window in the Nelson Administration Building on campus. 

Print the Parking Permit Application

New students will need to get a student ID from the Office of Enrollment Services in the Nelson Administration Building.

Contact a Recruiter

Taylor Richard

Recruitment Coordinator