Academic Coaches for Dual Credit (ACDC)
The Texarkana College ACDCs work with students on their high school campus to ensure a seamless transition to college-level coursework and promote academic success and completion.

Meet your ACDC

How We Can Help
Advising & Counseling
- Advise students on dual credit eligibility, course selection, prerequisites, and registration processes as well as financial aid.
- Help students set educational goals, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies for success
- Check-in with students to address academic concerns including test preparation and college applications to ensure a smooth transition from high school to college.
College Transition Support
- Provide college readiness assistance and college campus visits to familiarize students with the college environment and resources
- Increase student understanding of college policies, academic requirements, and student support services
- Facilitate Texarkana College informational sessions for students planning to transfer after high school
Academic Coaches for Dual Credit (AC/DCs) serve as a liaison between high schools, community colleges, students, and parents, fostering effective communication and collaboration.