Start Your Career: Check Out Our Community College Courses
Customize your options with over 60 different ways to earn a degree and certificate. Texarkana College offers you exciting community college courses, and endless opportunities to earn a degree and begin your career. Invest in your future and make the affordable and smart choice. Choose Texarkana College!

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Helpful Academic Information
- Traditional (TRA): Community college course sections containing a TRA—indicates the course will be delivered through face-to-face instruction in the classroom. While some accommodations may be made on occasion as indicated by the College’s Covid protocols, students taking traditional classes are required to regularly attend class in person.
- Hybrid (HYB): Community college course sections containing an HYB—indicates the course combines face-to-face and online course delivery. A majority of the course will be delivered through online instruction. Students will also be expected to attend in person at regularly scheduled times.
- Online on a Schedule (OOS): Community college course sections containing an OOS—indicates the class is a web-based, synchronous class. This means the class will meet virtually through Microsoft Teams according to the class schedule. This is like a face-to-face course except that students will attend virtually. Students are expected to turn their cameras on and participate in active learning. Portions of course delivery and content will also be through Moodle or Jenzabar.
- Web: Community college course sections containing a WEB—indicates the course is a web-based, asynchronous class. This means the class is a self-paced class in which students are not required to meet at designated times. Course delivery will be entirely online. This is Texarkana College’s traditional web/online course.
- For all students enrolled at a Texas public university or college, associate of arts and associate of science degree requirements include a General Education Core Curriculum. This is designed to provide a solid foundation for your college education and to make transfers between and among Texas institutions of higher education as smooth and seamless as possible. Texarkana College’s Core Curriculum consists of 42 credit hours and serves as the foundation for all of our associate of arts and associate of science degrees. Check out a few of our community college courses below:
- Communications (010) – 6 hours
- ENGL 1301: Composition I (3)
- ENGL 1302: Composition II (3)
- ENGL 2311: Technical & Business Writing (3)
- Mathematics (020) – 3 hours
- MATH 1314: College Algebra (3)
- MATH 1316: Plane Trigonometry (3)
- MATH 1324: Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences (3)
- MATH 1325: Calculus for Business & Social Sciences (3)
- MATH 1332: Math for Liberal Arts (3)
- MATH 1350: Fundamentals of Math I (3)
- MATH 1442: Elementary Statistical Methods (4)
- MATH 2412: Pre-Calculus (4)
- MATH 2413: Calculus I (4)
- Life & Physical Sciences (030) – 6 hours
- BIOL 1322: Nutrition & Diet Therapy (3)
- BIOL 1306: Biology for Science Majors I (3)
- BIOL 1307: Biology for Science Majors II (3)
- BIOL 1308: Biology for Non-Science Majors I (3)
- BIOL 1309: Biology for Non-Science Majors II (3)
- BIOL 1311: General Botany (3)
- BIOL 1313: General Zoology (3)
- BIOL 2301: Anatomy & Physiology I (3)
- BIOL 2302: Anatomy & Physiology II (3)
- BIOL 2306: Environmental Biology (3)
- BIOL 2320: Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (3)
- BIOL 2321: Microbiology for Science Majors (3)
- CHEM 1305: Introductory Chemistry I (3)
- CHEM 1307: Introductory Chemistry II (3)
- CHEM 1311: General Chemistry I (3)
- CHEM 1312: General Chemistry II (3)
- GEOL 1303: Physical Geology (3)
- PHYS 1301: College Physics I (3)
- PHYS 1303: Stars & Galaxies (3)
- PHYS 1304: Solar System (3)
- PHYS 1315: Physical Science I (3)
- PHYS 2325: University Physics I (3)
- Language, Philosophy, & Culture (040) – 3 hours
- ENGL 2322: British Literature I (3)
- ENGL 2323: British Literature II (3)
- ENGL 2327: American Literature I (3)
- ENGL 2328: American Literature II (3)
- ENGL 2332: World Literature I (3)
- ENGL 2333: World Literature II (3)
- ENGL 2341: Forms of Literature (3)
- HIST 2321: World Civilizations I (3)
- HIST 2322: World Civilizations II (3)
- PHIL 2306: Introduction to Ethics (3)
- Creative Arts (050) – 3 hours
- ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation (3)
- DRAM 1310: Theatre Appreciation (3)
- DRAM 2366: Film Appreciation (3)
- MUSI 1306: Music Appreciation (3)
- American History (060) – 6 hours
- HIST 1301: United States History I (3)
- HIST 1302: United States History II (3)
- Government / Political Science (070) – 6 hours
- GOVT 2305: Federal Government (3)
- GOVT 2306: Texas Government (3)
- Social & Behavioral Sciences (080) – 3 hours
- COMM 1307: Introduction to Mass Communication (3)
- ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
- ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
- GEOG 1303: World Regional Geography (3)
- PSYC 2301: General Psychology (3)
- PSYC 2308: Child Psychology (3)
- PSYC 2314: Lifespan Growth & Development (3)
- SOCI 1301: Introductory Sociology (3)
- Component Area Option (090) – 6 hours
- Choose one from the following (3 SCH):
(Check with an Advisor before you choose)- SPCH 1315: Public Speaking (3)
- SPCH 1318: Interpersonal Communication (3)
- SPCH 1321: Business & Professional Speaking (3)
- OR any courses in Component Areas (010), (020), (030), (040), (050), & (080) that are not used to fulfill
- another core requirement except MATH 2413, which is listed below.
- Choose one from the following (3 SCH):
(Check with an Advisor before you choose)- BCIS 1305: Business Computer Applications (3)
- EDUC/PSYC 1300: Learning Frameworks (3)
- MATH 2413: Calculus I (4)
- Choose one from the following (3 SCH):
- The following are labs that should be taken with lecture courses for those needing 8 SCH of Life & Physical Sciences for a degree. These courses are NOT part of the Core.
- BIOL 1106: Biology for Science Majors I (lab) (1)
- BIOL 1107: Biology for Science Majors II (lab) (1)
- BIOL 1108: Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lab) (1)
- BIOL 1109: Biology for Non-Science Majors II (lab) (1)
- BIOL 1111: General Botany (lab) (1)
- BIOL 1113: General Zoology (lab) (1)
- BIOL 2101: Anatomy & Physiology I (lab) (1)
- BIOL 2102: Anatomy & Physiology II (lab) (1)
- BIOL 2120: Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (lab) (1)
- BIOL 2121: Microbiology for Science Majors (lab) (1)
- CHEM 1105: Introductory Chemistry I (lab) (1)
- CHEM 1107: Introductory Chemistry II (lab) (1)
- CHEM 1111: General Chemistry I (lab) (1)
- CHEM 1112: General Chemistry II (lab) (1)
- PHYS 1101: College Physics I (lab) (1)
- PHYS 1103: Stars & Galaxies (lab) (1)
- PHYS 1104: Solar System (lab) (1)
- PHYS 1115: Physical Science I (lab) (1)
- PHYS 2125: University Physics (lab) (1)
- Total Minimum Requirements: 42 hours
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