Human Resources
Housed on the second floor of the Nelson Administration Building, Human Resources is available to help prospective employees, current employees, and community members with questions or concerns along with the latest employment and safety information.

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Current Employment Opportunities
View listings at
Looking for another position or want to submit an employment application for a future position?
- Apply online for a teaching position
Download a Teaching Application* - Apply online for a non-teaching position
Download a Non-teaching Application
*If you are applying for a faculty or adjunct position, please be sure to include your resume, transcripts, and a letter of interest explaining your qualifications for the position.
Texarkana College is grateful for all veterans and the service they and their families provide for our nation and community. We welcome veteran applicants and if you would like assistance with our application process please contact us at 903-823-3017.
TC welcomes applicants with disabilities. If you would like assistance with our application process, or questions about working at Texarkana College please contact us at 903-823-3017.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires we employ only U.S. citizens and aliens authorized to work in the U.S. New employees must present documents verifying identity and right to accept employment (see form I-9). No one will be placed on the payroll until all employment procedures are fully satisfied, including completion of a criminal background check. Information contained on job vacancy announcements are subject to correction as a result of typographical error, omission, or changes resulting from institutional restructuring and / or funding. Grant funded positions are subject discontinuance per grant stipulations. Specific job requirements and / or physical location of this position render this position security sensitive, and hereby subject it to the provisions of Section 51.215 of the Texas Education Code.
Texarkana College is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Texarkana College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs, activities, admission, or employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator, 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, TX, 75599, (903) 823-3355, Texarkana College is committed to full compliance with both the Drug Free Workplace and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Acts.
Hiring Process Frequently Asked Questions
Positions have an assigned closing date. Applications are screened to ensure that the minimum qualifications are met. Those who meet the minimum qualifications required for the position are then referred to the departments where the vacancy exists. The departments then decide whom to interview. The closing date may be different for different positions.
For teaching and instructional positions, applications are kept for 2 years from the date of submission. Non‐teaching and unsolicited applications are retained for 1 year. Once the timeframe is reached, a new application will need to be filled out in order for you to ‘reapply’.
You may apply for multiple jobs. Clearly state on each application the job for which it was submitted.
TIP: Complete your application but omit completing the “Position Applied for Section” and the “Signature section”. Make copies. When you see a position you are interested in applying for, completed the blocks left blank and submit your application. If an applicant submits one set of application materials for multiple openings, HR will assign the application to the first position named by the applicant.
Unfortunately, applications received after the closing date or after the interview process has begun cannot be considered.
Yes, you may leave your application at the Welcome desk in the Nelson Administration Building. Please place it in a sealed envelope and address it to Human Resources.
The College does not provide this service.
The College does not provide this service. Those applicants concerned whether or not their application was received should send their application by registered mail, courier service or by email to
Yes. This is the preferred method to receive applications. The e mail address is
Resumes and applications received when there is no job opening are maintained in accordance with the record retention policy. For best consideration, apply for announced openings and designate on your resume what position you wish to be considered for.
Applicants that are selected to be interviewed will be contacted. Applicants who are not invited to an interview will not be contacted.
For vacancy announcements requiring evidence of academic credentials, candidates are responsible for submitting evidence of academic credentials. Unofficial degree conferring transcripts are acceptable to submit during the application process.
Any dates and times listed on the vacancy announcements are in US Central Time.
You may include any information that you believe addresses the qualifications of the position.
Examples of information that we would rather not receive include: weight, height, ethnicity, marital status, family members’ profession, religious affiliation, and number of children.
Texarkana College is the sole and undisputed authority regarding applicant qualifications. The minimum acceptable qualifications are set forth in the job vacancy announcement. In the event of a dispute or disagreement, the President is the final authority regarding applicant qualifications.
No. TC does not have the capability to refer you to other jobs. It is up to you to keep monitoring our job listings and to apply for jobs you feel you are qualified for.
There is no set time frame for the hiring process. Due to various circumstances, job postings can be extended or withdrawn at any time in the process at the discretion of the College. The hiring process may take a few days up to a few months, depending on the level of the job, the extent of the candidate search, and various other factors. Once applications have been referred to the departments, they select interviewees and schedule them. All positions are constantly subject to review and may or may not be filled pending funding or other budgetary considerations.
Due to the volume of vacancies and number of applicants for each vacancy, receipt acknowledgements cannot be sent and phone calls cannot be returned concerning your application status.
You must be a citizen of the United States or have the legal right to work in the United States for employment at the College. The College is an e verify participant.
Security Sensitive Positions are those that are subject to background, criminal history check or fingerprinting, in accordance with State Education Code.
Downloadable Resources
Texarkana College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs, activities, admission, or employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator, 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, TX, 75599, (903) 823-3355,