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Belief, vision paved the way

Texarkana College unveiled the Perot Leadership Museum on February 12 to celebrate the fifth $1 million donation from H. Ross Perot
Texarkana College unveiled the Perot Leadership Museum on February 12 to celebrate the fifth $1 million donation from H. Ross Perot.

By Misty Jones
The TC News reporter

A large number of dignitaries and TC alumni gathered in the Texarkana College Palmer Memorial Library on February 12 to celebrate the fifth $1 million donation from H. Ross Perot.

TC honored him by unveiling the Perot Leadership Museum, located in the TC Library.

In February 2012, just a few months after President James Henry Russell started at Texarkana College, TC was facing “the worst financial crisis in the history of this institution,” said Kyle Davis, President of the Texarkana College Board of Trustees.

President Russell and then President of the Board Mike Sandefur visited Perot at his office and asked for help.

Perot pledged a $5 million gift – one million a year for five years.

“It is because of Mr. Perot’s belief and vision of TC that we were able to stay the course. He believes in us. He believes in you. Mr. Perot has always believed in Texarkana College. He had a vision of growth that began when he started here in 1947,” Davis said.

“Mr. Perot challenged us to do two things: either pass an election that would match his money or raise it from personal or private donations,” TC President Russell explained.

In November, the Texarkana community voted yes to incorporating Bowie County into the college’s tax district.

“And guess what? Not only did this crazy community pass a county-wide election, but they also matched you (Perot) dollar for dollar in private donations,” Russell said.

In honoring Perot for his support and generosity, Mary Ellen Young, TC’s Dean of Liberal & Performing Arts, spoke of Perot’s personal connection to her family, his numerous accomplishments, and his kindness.

Perot delivered the eulogy at the funeral of her father, Dr. Mitchell Young. He and Dr. Young were longtime friends.

Mary Ellen Young also listed many of Perot’s amazing accomplishments, such as running for President of the United States; turning his small company, Electronic

Data Systems (EDS), into a multimillion dollar company; and receiving many honorary degrees, national and international awards.

Perot even rescued EDS employees held prisoner in an Iranian prison.

“In typical Perot style, he just walked in and got them,” Young said.

Since Perot’s initial donation in 2012, Texarkana College has served 21,000 students and awarded 3,336 degrees and certificates. Three years ago, only 15 percent of students graduated. Today, Texarkana College’s graduation rate is at 32 percent, higher than the state average.

“Mr. Perot, the results are dramatic. We can’t thank you enough,” Russell said.

Texarkana, Texas Mayor Bob Bruggeman said, “I just want to thank Mr. Perot for the great support he has provided for our community.”

Paul Norton, Superintendent of Texarkana Texas Independent School District, said, “Anytime we can honor Mr. Perot, we need to take advantage of it because he has done so much for the community.”

Dr. Matthew Young, owner of Texarkana Emergency Center and brother of Dean Mary Ellen Young, said, “It is amazing what he (Perot) has given back to the community. It makes you proud to be a part of the community.”

Perot said, “I am proud to be a Texarkanian. Texarkana is the center of the universe. Things will never be still here.”

Related to March 2016, The TC News

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