Associate Degree in Music

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” Victor Hugo, French author and poet

Find your own way to express yourself as you pursue an associate degree in music.

A piano keyboard that students can learn when earning an associate degree in music

What to Know at a Glance


2 year associate degree (60 sch)


Face-to face

Scheduling Options

Full-time; Part-time; Day classes

Where it is offered

Main Campus, #4 on the campus map

About Music Degree

At Texarkana College, we work with you and your raw talent. We give you fundamental music skills and help you orchestrate those skills into something greater. With one-on-one mentoring and training we give you the time, focus, curriculum, and inspiration you need to begin your career in music.  Apply today to earn your associate degree in music.

Music Theory I
The study of analysis and writing of tonal melody and diatonic harmony, including fundamental music concepts, scales, intervals, chords, 7th chords, and early four-part writing. Analysis of small compositional forms. Optional correlated study at the keyboard.

Sight Singing and Ear Training I
Singing tonal music in treble and bass clefs, and aural study of elements of music, such as scales, intervals and chords, and dictation of basic rhythm, melody and diatonic harmony.

Advanced Sight Singing and Ear Training II
Singing advanced tonal music and introduction of modal and post-tonal melodies. Aural study including dictation of advanced rhythm, melody, and harmony.

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Self-Discipline
  • Professionalism

Possible Careers and Salaries

Music Composer




Sound Engineering Technician


Music Therapist


Musical Instrument Repairer


Tuition Costs

Approximate total program cost for a full-time in-district (Bowie County) student is $6,450.

Program Contacts

Marc-André Bougie

Music Program Coordinator

Dr. Mary Ellen Young

Dean of Liberal and Performing Arts

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